travSTORY: Explore & Share Banagladesh



Embark on Your Journey with travSTORY

travSTORY is a web platform designed to inspire and facilitate travel exploration across the 64 districts of Bangladesh. The platform aims to provide users with comprehensive information about each district’s attractions, enable sharing of travel experiences through stories and media, facilitate route sharing, and foster connections among travelers seeking companions for their journeys.


– Provide detailed information about each of the 64 districts of Bangladesh, including descriptions and photos of popular places to visit.

– Enable users to share their travel experiences, stories, and media content.

– Allow users to upload and share their travel routes with the community.

– Facilitate finding travel partners based on interests and upcoming journey dates.

– Foster engagement through likes, comments, and interactions with shared travel stories.

– Offer personalized user profiles with customizable preferences and settings.


1. Destination Information: Users can explore detailed information and photos for each district, aiding in trip planning and destination discovery.

2. Travel Stories: Users can share their travel experiences, stories, and media content, inspiring others and creating a vibrant community of travelers.

3. Travel Route Sharing: Users can upload and share their travel routes, providing insights and inspiration for fellow travelers.

4. Find Travel Partners: Users can search for travel partners based on interests and upcoming journey dates, facilitating collaborative travel experiences.

5. Engagement: Users can engage with each other’s travel stories through likes, comments, and interactions, fostering a sense of community and connection.

6. Personalized Profiles: Each user can have a personalized profile where they can manage preferences, settings, and uploaded content, enhancing the user experience.



Front-end: HTML, CSS & JavaScript. Back-end: php & MySQL

Development Phases:

  1. Requirement Gathering and Planning:
    • Create user stories, wireframes, and mockups to visualize the website’s layout and functionality.
    • Define the objectives, features, and target audience of the website.
  2. Frontend Development:
    • Develop the user interface using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript 
    • Implement responsive design principles to ensure compatibility across different devices and screen sizes.  
  3. Backend Development:
    • PHP to create customized content, create logins and sign-ups, collect data.
    • Mysql   to store and retrieve travel-related data such as district attractions, travel stories, and user profiles.
  4. Integration and Testing:
    •   Integrate the frontend and backend components to create a fully functional website.
    • Perform unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests to identify and fix any bugs or issues.


travSTORY aims to be the go-to platform for travelers in Bangladesh, fostering a vibrant community of exploration, connection, and shared experiences. Join us on a journey to discover the beauty and diversity of Bangladesh through travSTORY!