Gcampus Forum

Project Tittle:Gcampus forum
Introduction:The project is a web based gcampus management system.Campus
management system helps teachers to complete grade book,track,students attendence
input class notes,create lesson plans and detailed reports and communication with other
members students and parents all via e mail.It also helps student to assignments and tests
and view attendence records grades report cards and progess all online.
Problem statement:The academic achiement for many students has decline because of
lack of care of them from their parents and this refer to that their parents do not have afree
time to come to
campus.As we are using Facebook groups for the purpose of communica
t ion between collegestudents and teachers, students are facing the
problems like miscommunication, not beingable to see announcement in time, not
having proper communication etc…
The main goals of our project are:
I. To establish the proper communication between the faculty members and the
students.II. To make dedicated application for the purpose of providing Campus’s
Proposed System:The college managemeng system will manage all the work in any college
in particular order so that the time requirement and complexity of the system will be
reduced at first it will focus student related
information.T h is project aims to save time to generate efficient wa
y to create an environment for socialization between student and
tutors. The system provides with the best user interface.Efficient updates can be
generated by using this proposed system. It is trouble-free to use. Itis a relatively fast
approach to get information highly reliable, approximate result from
user, best user Interface, efficient report. The proposed system also allows the teacher to i
nteractwith the students using the web application. It also allows the students
and the teachers tocommunicate.

  • student login,teachers login section.
  • User authentication page with options for students, teachers and
    administrators to log in or register for an account.
    Student info:
  • Name,id.
  • Address,group,date of birth and enrollment year
  • Class schedule and course management tools.
  • Attendance tracking for each class.
  • Grade input and management.
  • Important study metarial are update
    All student are dicuss each other
    Contact Us:
  • Contact information for college administration and support.
  • Feedback form for users to submit queries or suggestions.
    Tools & tecnique use:
    Front End: HTML,CSS,JavaScript,bootstrap
    Back End:MySQL & PHP.
    Conclution: Several groups can also be formed on certain topics to get updates
    related to it. These groups play a major role in highlighting the issues caused by an
    individual or a group of colleges. This makes this social networking platform an
    amazing one for the students as they can get connected and can share important
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